Here at Real American Marketing, we tend to use the term “web presence” quite a bit. Our tagline in the logo reads, “web presence experts.” We have mentioned that we help business owners enhance their web presence. And we also offer solutions for web presence management. This article is meant to define what we mean when we refer to the term, “web presence.”

What is web presence?

Simply put, web presence is an umbrella term for all the channels you manage across the internet for your company, business, or agency. This includes your website, social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Gab, etc.), and local listings (Google My Business, Yelp, YellowPages, etc.) It is important that all these channels and pages (also known as touchpoints) contain the same general information about your business: contact details, hours of operation, and available products and service offerings. Having this brand consistency across all platforms will signal to search engines that your business is credible and authoritative in your industry, thus ranking your business higher in the search results.

But business owners are often very busy with the other details of running a successful operation. In many cases, they do not have the bandwidth and support to execute an effective, long-term marketing strategy. This is where Real American Marketing seeks to provide solutions.

As web presence experts, we exist to equip business owners with the marketing solutions they need to optimize their web presence. The websites we build and manage can be tailored to your specific business needs. We provide consulting in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to make sure all content is relevant and uses specific keywords. And we use social media management to expand your reach and directly engage with both your existing customer base and potential customer audience. Each of these elements combined comprise a robust and enhanced web presence.

Additionally, it is our mission to provide such services without a subversive political agenda. So many mainstream service providers either try to push certain narratives through marketing messages or cancel one’s business platform for taking an “America First” stance. Real American Marketing is the alternative agency you can trust with building a secure and effective marketing strategy for your business. Each website we build is hosted on an independent server network that won’t cancel your service due to politically incorrect opinions or activities. Also, while we will certainly develop original content for your brand, we will not resort to woke trends just to get more likes or comments on posts. In our practices, we uphold and respect traditional American values.

If you seek real solutions for web presence enhancement, consider contacting the experts at Real American Marketing. We are prepared to develop the right solutions for your specific business needs. Schedule a free consultation today!

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